As personal loan is best way of solving all kind of finances and a person can apply personal loan without any problem with easy documentation and fast loan disbursal. But many people stuck in a process and don’t get a loan amount.
Apply for Personal loan at Less CIBIL Score
As ReferLoan have many different options with many different financial Institutions, you can apply for personal loan even with -1 CIBIL and get amazing Rate of Interest.
Its not always about -1 CIBIL but if you have a CIBIL score of no less then 650 as well then also feel free to contact us and get your personal loan disbursal within 48 Hrs. only.
Documents Required for personal Loan
As ReferLoan have different banks and NBFCS so some documents might be mandatory and some are optional but keep in mind to have as much as documents as possible.
1. KYC of an applicant (PAN card + passport Size Photo + Aadhar card /Voter ID /Passport)
2. Bank statement documents
3. Residential proof documents
4. Salary Slip documents
5. Income Tax Return documents
6. Company ID documents
7. Cancel Cheque or Passbook front page for loan amount.
1. Link: